The Church of Scientology

Welcome to our new Church.
We have served communities of the Sacramento Valley since 1973 and are proud to make downtown our new home. And in the same spirit of this city’s pioneering heritage, we dedicate ourselves to helping build the best possible future for all citizens of this capital city.
Our new Church realizes Founders L. Ron Hubbard’s vision that all Churches of Scientology become what he termed Ideal Organizations (Orgs).
Ideal Orgs not only provide the ideal facilities for Scientologists on their ascent to higher states of spiritual awareness and freedom, but they also serve as a home for the entire community and a meeting ground of cooperative effort to uplift people of all denominations.
We look forward to serving the Sacramento area, working together with every individual and group dedicated to our mutual goals of a drug-free, crime-free and thriving future for all.
Our doors are open. Our help is yours.
The History of
The Ramona Building

The Ramona Building, now home of the Church of Scientology Sacramento, is listed in the Sacramento Register of Historic and Cultural Resources. The building stands as the city’s largest surviving example of original Spanish Colonial Revival architecture, a style that reflects the rich Hispanic and indigenous Native American culture of the Sacramento Valley.